
+33 1 84 86 03 99
9-11 Rue Marbeuf, 75008 Paris

Black Door - Santé

Bespoke wellness

After several years of research, recognised medical specialists decided to create Black Door Health.

Black Door Health has developed a new approach that responds to demand and seeks solutions to the problems that are part of our daily lives: stress, fatigue, sleep disorders, gastric ailments, weight gain... It also makes it possible to put in place prevention strategies (cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic syndrome, neuro-degenerative diseases, chronic conditions) and integrates ageing well, eating well, and engaging in sports and exercise activities.

Black Door - Santé

A complete

Based on highly targeted and innovative complementary biological and imaging examinations, our approach is rooted in a holistic analysis in which the patient is considered as a whole: body, mind and environment.

The assessments carried out allow you to have a complete and instantaneous overview of the messages that your body is sending you.

The personalised program, led by expert doctors, makes it possible to prevent or correct the stresses and imbalances to which your body is subjected, and this takes place over a cycle of several months, in accordance with your requirements.

Black Door Health aims to provide you with complete and lasting solutions to preserve or regain optimal wellness.

Contact us

Black Door - Santé

Weight loss and dietary rebalancing
Cardiovascular assessments
Anti-ageing consultation
Male and female hormonal balance
Athlete's report
Micro-nutritional assessments
Management of stress and mood disorders
Study of sleep disorders
Prevention assessments, treatment of functional colonopathies, metabolomic and metagenomic study

Medical consultations and specialised biological assessments
Black Door - Santé

BMI/visceral fat/muscle mass measurements
Anti-ageing/bone tissue quality/skin ageing assessments
Nutrition monitoring report
Neuroradiological assessment
Specialised prevention assessments

Medical imaging centre
Black Door - Santé

Botox/hyaluronic acid injection
Anti-ageing wrinkle treatments
Aesthetic consultation
Skin treatment, laser, hair removal, tattoo removal

Institute of dermatology
Black Door - Santé

Black Door Health reflects the Black Door ethos by providing you with a full range of top-class services along with complete and personalised offers.